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I'm sitting on the plane in Nairobi, Kenya right now. This plane is huge. 10 seats wide and there is a second story to the plane. We will be traveling for a total of 30 hours I believe. By the time I post this ill be in Amsterdam. We have a four hour layover there. I would give anything to have a longer one so I can visit Anne Franks house but it doesn't look like its going to happen. Leaving the bishop and his children was hard   Its crazy how much they feel like family. Matthew came find me through all of the people in the crowd and gave me a big huge. I love that kid. I had a dream last night that we took him home with us. I wish I could.   Leaving Ugandan soil caused such mixed emotions. Happy to be going home but sad to be leaving this land. It's people have won my heart. It's hard to think we are leaving a land to go to a place that is so different. America is a blessed nation in so many ways. My eyes have been opened to that these past 10 days. But America is also a spoiled nation. I take for granted the blessings I have and I don't want to go back to what I was before. I appreciate the comforts we have but I also see what we lack. I've learned what the important things are in life, friends, family, and church.  It's not to climb the ladder of success, it's not the material things I possess but the relationships I have with my god and with my friends and family.  I've been moved by these people. I've been shown so much. I won't be the same. 

I believe that everyone should do this. Everyone should experience what god can so when you get out of your comfort zone, when you take a step of faith and just jump. I never thought this little Cajun girl who grew up in Choctaw, lives in Thibodaux, would end up across the world leaving part of her heart in Africa. The places that god will take you when you just trust is nothing you can ever imagine. I believe everyone should see and experience what I've experienced. It puts so much into perspective not just in our everyday lives but in our spiritual walk with god. It has made me check myself and ask am I doing enough? Am Really sold out? Do I really trust him? Do I really believe with unquestionable faith? What am I holding back?  How can I do more?  What is His purpose for my life?  This world is so much bigger than my little world. People literally are starving on the other side of the world, they are living in mud huts and washing clothes in a stream. In 2013! And yet they believe with childlike faith. Do I?  

Sent from my iPad


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