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Who am I...

Who am I that He is mindful of me?  I sit sometimes and just think about that. The fact that he hears me, sees me, knows my heart, my intentions, and my motives. He knows me better than I know myself. And he's merciful. He's a God of mercy and of the second ( or more ) chance.

When I graduated in 2003 God called me to a mission trip but I talked myself out of it; fear won. About three years ago a friend of mine went on the world race and the calling hit me again. I still fought it and again fear won. But as I was looking into the world race, I was watching a film and one of the countries they go to is Uganda and I was captured. God immediately spoke to me and said GO!  And I freaked lol. If you know anything about me, I am a very cautious person. And Uganda was the last place this girl who is comfortable in her box was going to go. The pull was so strong but I kept it to myself out of fear..again. But God being God didn't stop there. Fast forward to last Oct and I'm sitting in Mandy's studio ( who btw was called to Africa 10 years ago) turns to me and tells me she and Shay are going to Uganda!  My heart and mouth dropped. I hadn't even told Mandy what God had called me to and here she was going to Uganda. I went home knowing this was my chance and I was NOT going to talk myself out of it again.

This little safe chick has not had one ounce of fear about this trip. I've had peace every second of the way. I know this is what I am called to do.  Everything has fallen into place. No fear AT ALL, my work is giving me the ok to go, my trip was paid off in ONE day, and God has confirmed to me that this is his will so many times. For someone who cares about what others think ( to a fault) no one has made me waiver on my decision to go. No ones fears have shaken me.  I know this is for me!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through the planning faze and who will support us in prayer as we go.

Who am I that he is mindful of me?  I'm His and there's no other way I'd want to live.


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