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My kids are driving me nuts BUT...

I'm right there with most parents. My kids have been driving me nuts. 

As I write this, both of them have crawled up right on side of me to touch me for the 29,703,048 time today.  Can I just not be touched for one minute? Please? Can you not put your foot on my face and stick your little big toe into the side of my thigh like you're digging for gold?

But you know what else I am?

I am so very thankful.

This quarantine has made me stop.

I don't have a schedule to stay on.
I don't have supper to fix by a certain time.
I don't have things to occupy my time like grocery shopping, running errands, or taking those weekly trips to Target.

I don't really have a whole lot of restraints on me other than to stay home and stop.

Yes, my kids have been driving me nuts,


I have been able to stop and just BE with them.

I've been able to make blanket forts and color and tomorrow we're baking cookies. 

I've had time to FINALLY potty train Samuel and y'all, God is good!  Going on day 8 of no diapers! Thank you Jesus!

I've been able to read books and my Bible more.  It's like God has created more time in my day.

We've been able to do a bunch of projects around the house that we've been putting off for two years.

I've loved having so much time with my WHOLE family.  Daniel has been working from home and it's been so nice to just BE a family with nothing else to preoccupy us.

I have loved getting things accomplished.

I have just loved BEING PRESENT!

I've been able to breathe and although the world is a crazy place right now, there's peace in my heart.

Weekends are meant to stop and be with our family but, let's be honest, the weekends are usually spent exhausted from the week.

So I've loved that I finally feel rested and can just be present.

I'm literally living Phil 4:7!

2014 Lacey would have been freaking out over this virus. My anxiety would have been through the roof thinking of all the things that could go wrong.  I wouldn't have been able to sleep. My mind wouldn't have been able to stop.

But today, none of that exists.
There's only peace.
God has healed me!
He is a faithful God y'all!

And for my friends who are still battling with anxiety and fear, here's a word of encouragement.

It gets better.
There is an end.
He is still a healer.
And wouldn't these times be an awesome opportunity for God to show himself strong in your life and heal you of all the fear that the enemy has thrown our way?

What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good!

So, here are some lessons I'll take away from Corona:

1. Be Present
2. Slow down
3. Take a vacation
 (I love my kids but I still need a break LOL)
4. Trust God
5. ALLOW HIS peace to reign over EVERYTHING

<<< and >>> 

6. I'll never figure out why people need 15 bunches of toilet paper for an upper respiratory virus epidemic!


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