Hey guys! I'm back! God's been taking me down some crazy paths lately in my walk with Him and I can feel him leading me to certain things. This blog is one of them. So you may be hearing more from me :)
So I had a thought tonight during Bishop's sermon that really just opened my eyes and had me speechless (at least until now).
It was prophesied that someone would come before Jesus and prepare a way for Him. That was prophesied in the Bible YEARS before John was ever a twinkle in his mother's eye. He was set apart from the womb. God had a plan for him that was going to usher in the greatest gift the world has ever been given.
Imagine the day when John realized HE WAS IT! He was the one that was spoken about in the old testament. Imagine him sitting in the playground or in the synagogue, I don't know when it hit him, but imagine what it felt like to be taught about a messiah that is to come and realize that YOU are the one chosen to prepare the way. YOU are the one prophesied about. YOU are the one that generations have read about that would set the stage for the Messiah to be introduced to the world. WOW! I don't know if that blows your mind but it does mine.
I'm sure John always knew he was different and called and set apart. I'm sure he probably wan't understood by the kids in his neighborhood. But he was human and he had to obtain revelation of who he was at some point.
We all go through this process of finding out who we are in God. What our purpose is and who we are in him? It's a process that I believe only evolves and never stops. But imagine realizing one day that YOU are it!
You see we are all it! He has formed you in your mother's womb and knew you before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye. He knows who you are, what you will do, and how you will accomplish it. He has singled you out!
YOU have been chosen to spread Jesus and his saving grace. YOU have been chosen to be his hands and his feet. YOU! Not the person next to you in church but YOU! Imagine what is waiting for you to accomplish just by walking in blind faith and going where God leads you!!!!!
Lord help me to walk worthy of this calling, of being chosen. Let me understand the responsibility of it all but more important, give me revelation of the love that you have for me that you would choose me. This hot mess of a girl who doesn't know what's next in life and doesn't have it all together. Help me to do what you want me to do without my will being involved. Thank you for choosing me! Thank you for loving me! Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me!
Aint He good :)
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